Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Morning After Dyeing Day

While we didn't dye great meterage, Erica and I had such fun mucking around with the colours. We bypassed the primaries and concentrated on saturated secondaries. Here are some of my oranges, greens and purples (and a black, another "bright" for good measure):

For some reason, we both did a lot of orange:

And, of course, a little green:

I did three shibori pieces but the most effective was this larch design (the colour is much richer than either of these images would suggest):

Thank you to everyone who referred me to online tutorials. However, in the end, the best resource proved to be British quiltmaker, Janice Gunner's excellent book Shibori for Textile Artists:

And this was the serendipitous result of the dregs of the dyepots:

Erica sees cosmos flowers and I can too:

Today is Thanksgiving at Copacabana. The pumpkin pies are made (photos later) and I'm off to make cornbread before David hogs the oven with the turkey. But first I have to decide what recipe(s) to use. Thank you to everyone who sent recipes, I'll post my review tomorrow after my tasters give me a verdict!


Blogger Erica said...

I wish it was this Erica who came to play (grin)- looks like you both had a productive day

November 18, 2006 8:46 am  
Blogger Tracey Petersen said...

Wow! A fantastic result for a play day.

November 18, 2006 10:53 am  
Blogger k baxter packwood said...

Ok that explains everything, your in Australia no wonder I can't find the book!!! Hopefully it'll be here in the next year or so.

Shibori for Textile Artists

November 18, 2006 2:36 pm  
Blogger Diane Perin said...

Wow! Gorgeous results! I'll have to look into that book...

November 18, 2006 2:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations girls - wonderful resulots, such rich and vibrant colours.

November 18, 2006 4:27 pm  
Blogger Liz Plummer said...

Stunning results, especially the shibori one.

November 18, 2006 10:20 pm  
Blogger glennis said...

nice orange pieces! i'm waiting for the release of that book here in the US. taking a shibori workshop today here in southern california.
can't wait!

November 19, 2006 1:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what everyone is waiting for, I ordered the book from Amazon UK....

Beautiful stuff. While I love it all your "dregs" pieces are my favorites.....

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


November 19, 2006 2:14 am  
Blogger Brenda said...

Don't miss Lisa Call's excellent posts on the dyeing process. Also Kathy York has just posted images of her shibori-style Synchronised Swimming Quilt which shows how stitching and embellishment can elegantly complement the tie-dyed effect.

November 19, 2006 1:14 pm  
Blogger Sharon Serrano Ahmed said...

Your fabric is wonderful. When I did shibori a few weeks ago, I also searched the internet for tutorials and info and really didn't find much. Please post any great techniques on your blog!
Sharon in Atlanta

November 20, 2006 1:45 am  

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