Monday, December 04, 2006

Studying the Statistics

Like Shelina, I regularly review the statistics and other information collected by the sitemeter on my blog. While my readership fluctuates, I average a modest 120 visitors per day mostly from the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Many seem to pop in after spending time with Melody; others are referred by the comprehensive listing generously compiled and maintained by Maria Elkins; and others appear to be traced from comments I have left on other people's blogs where people have clicked on my blogger profile. I currently have 38 subscribers via Bloglines and many of those subscribers seem to click onto the actual blog rather than reading the Bloglines page. This is my preference too especially as images sometimes don't show up on the Bloglines page.

Some people pop in and out quickly - others linger. Some click to enlarge images - some don't.

The search strings make interesting reading too. Judging by the number of people looking for Marcia Hoipo, a member of the Facets textile group whose exhibition I viewed earlier in the year, she would be well served by getting a blog or website of her own. There are a lot of bloggers out there too that wish to personalise their blog banners - I hope they find my tutorial useful.

However, all the statistical analysis in the world is no substitute for reader feedback via comments either on or off-blog. I really prefer dialogue rather than blathering into the ether! And, in response to this post, I found out this week that some men actually read my blog on occasion.

As I write, my sitemeter reads 19,677 so I expect to clock up 20,000 readers this week. Probably on Wednesday (Tuesday US time). In the spirit of the season, I have a small gift for my 20,000th reader. Of course, if you leave a comment, it will be easier for me to track you down!


Blogger kirsten said...

Stats are a thought-provoking phenomena aren't they? I look at mine and wonder who all those people are! I even tried to get some of them to de-lurk, but there are some who obviously don't want to interact. I have some people in Japan, Korea and Taiwan who have my website bookmarked and visit regularly. I'd love to know why!!!

December 04, 2006 9:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here pretty much daily. I have a string of blogs I read almost daily....I start with Mel's and then click on all her buttons then go to the Artful Quilters list....


December 05, 2006 12:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also stop by most days to see what you've posted and what you are up to. Found your blog through the Artful Quilters list and put it on my bloglines, so that is where I click in from.

December 05, 2006 2:47 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

But that's not fair - you have a hidden stat counter so I can't play the ebay auction game and try to time this message at the very last minute! I could just spam you every 30 secs I suppose but I quite like you so I won't! I'm a daily reader too - there's always a new post up by the time I set up for work here in the UK so I check that first to give me a happy boost for the day.

December 05, 2006 4:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a bloglines pixie! I too found you through the artquilters list and stop by often. I love hearing about the beach and your work. Most of my visitors are from the UK and USA. I keep wondering how to get more kiwis!

December 05, 2006 5:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and have refered many of my quilt friends to it- including one who lives in Australia- I live in Ohio in the US.

December 05, 2006 7:47 am  
Blogger Amy & Paul said...

It is me?

December 05, 2006 9:28 am  
Blogger Beverly said...

I cruise in regularly- I enjoy looking at your work, and love reading what art quilters in other parts of the world are doing.

And, I'll probably cruise in again tomorrow- maybe I'll be #20,000!!!

December 05, 2006 2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You give a "gal quilter" alot of inspiration w/your blog. So enjoy your "words"!

December 06, 2006 2:39 pm  
Blogger Helen said...

Hi Brenda

I really enjoy your blog and love the colour skills displayed in your quilts. Colour choices, I think, are the most difficult part for new quilters. I have just started blogging myself and it is a real treat when someone leaves a comment for me.

I found yuor blog through the Maverick quilters web ring by accidentally clicking on the wrong web ring icon on someone's blog.

Helen in NZ

December 06, 2006 2:49 pm  

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