Sunday, October 15, 2006

On Tidying Up

It's moments like this that I vow that I am never going to tidy up my studio again. In my last cleaning frenzy, I obviously put some of my teaching aids in a "safe" place where they will not be crushed or buckled. Do you think I can find them? Nope. And that's despite turning the place upside down looking. Hmmph.

By the way, I have updated my blog banner tutorial to include some tips on resizing your image so that it fits your particular template. You may have noticed that I have also changed the fonts used on my blog so that they match my Serendipity website.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the feeling about putting something in a safe place, when tidying up. Hope you find them.
And thanks for help with the Personal Banner but at the moment I am leaving well alone. Well I keep going back to have a try. Dont worry I will let everyone know when I can do it. BTW I can get it to show in classic mode but cant find the code when I have to update. Thanks again sheila in Mulgrave

October 15, 2006 11:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry Brenda I am really aubirdwoman, legrasshopperau is the other blog I opened to try to help with the banner. sheila

October 15, 2006 11:32 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, thats the kind of moment where my mother likes to (unhelpfully) ask 'Well, where did you last have them?' and then gets all put out when she gets snapped at!

October 16, 2006 1:04 am  

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