Thursday, April 13, 2006

Colour Play

While shopping for some velcro today, I spotted some "Scribblers 40 Professional Colored Pencils" on sale so popped a couple of sets into my shopping basket. When I opened up the first set, they looked like this:

Tsk, tsk - the colours are all mixed up, this won't do at all! Soon after, order was restored:

At a quick glance, I reckon I have only 36 or 37 different colours and they are not exactly Derwent quality. But for $2.70 a set, it's churlish to complain.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and, in keeping with a family tradition, I will be making hot cross buns. Each year, we scratch around to find the recipe for our "real" hot cross buns so I decided to set up a blog of my family's favourite recipes. You can link to the hot cross bun recipe HERE
. Let me know how your batch turns out! (And apologies for the imperial measurements. My brother once wrote a metric version but I don't have it stored on my computer. Hence the brainwave to set up a family blog!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my Hot Cross buns: Now I'll have to try your recipe ;-)

April 14, 2006 12:35 am  
Blogger Marie said...

I also made Hot Cross Buns today, but alas there is no mixed peel in this country, so I had to make do without.

April 14, 2006 11:44 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Brenda, I did the exact same thing you did with your pencils when I got my set. LOL! I managed to get my hands on a 120-pc Prismacolor set for under $20US last year. I spent the first hour playing with them - getting them into the right order. How can you not? :-)

April 15, 2006 6:30 am  

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