Sunday, April 09, 2006

No Swimming or Passeggiata Today

As some of you will recall, we have a house rule - "no breakfast unless you have been for a walk and/or a swim". Looks like this morning we won't be doing either. A deep low-pressure system in the far southern Tasman Sea combined with south-westerly winds is generating 3-7m swells along the coast especially at south-facing beaches like Copacabana. Apparently it's likely to be the biggest surf in more than 30 years. What's more, with high tide, the waves are lapping up much of the foreshore. So David and I will just have to sit around in the morning sun reading the Sunday papers instead. Oh, and this qualifies for a special dispensation, so we do get to eat breakfast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

holey moeley, that's biger than last Easter!!! Have just returned from a sporty weekend in Rotorua, and stopped at Tirau on the way home for coffee and crafts. I am digging out my cross stitch as we speak. almost 3 years since my last completed project, slipping behind... Love lil sis

April 09, 2006 2:26 pm  

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